Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Two things.

1. I almost wish subroutines required the use of the ampersand sigil. I hate looking at barewords in Perl, and much prefer things to have punctuation in front so the editor picks it up with a specified color.
2. I learned, the very, very hard way. That the way to do XS with C++ is to use XSPP. http://search.cpan.org/~mbarbon/ExtUtils-XSpp-0.15/lib/ExtUtils/XSpp.pod I cried a little when I saw this. But, I'm incredibly thankful that it exists, even though they're a bit under the radar.


  1. Two schools of thought here: If function calls required the & sigil, then:

    * the only barewords would be Perl keywords, and that
    would make adding new keywords much much much easier

    * the only barewords would be Perl keywords, and that
    would make adding new keyword-alike functions much
    much much harder

    The former is easily placated by 'use feature'.

    The latter is motivated by Try::Tiny, Moose, various functions with prototypes in List::Util, List::MoreUtils, List::UtilsBy,...

  2. Check out http://steffen-mueller.net/talks/xspp/, too. --Steffen
